The vital statistics report resource kit, which includes a Guide, Template, and Excel Workbook, is intended to enable the production of a vital statistics report. It is a revision of the “Guidelines and Template for Developing a Vital Statistics Report” published by Statistics Norway, UNESCAP, and UNECA. The production and dissemination of a vital statistics report using civil registration records is a key step in identifying health and social sector priorities, and for strengthening a country’s civil registration system.
The Guide provides important background information for using the Template, which contains notes and table shells to complete a vital statistics report. Finally, the accompanying Workbook can assist in the calculation of measures and indicators and in the production of tables and figures for the report. In countries with low registration of vital events, producing a vital statistics report can help encourage increased investment for strengthening the existing civil registration system.
Download the Guide, Template and Excel Workbook
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Descargar la Guía, Plantilla y el Libro de Excel
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Téléchargez le Guide, le Modèle et le Classeur Excel
Téléchargez toutes les ressources sous forme de fichier .zip
Baixe o Guia, Modelo de Relatório e Pasta de Trabalho Excel
Baixe todos os recursos num arquivo comprimido .zip
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