Annual Reports 2022 Year in Review: Behind the Numbers In Vital Strategies’ 2022 Annual Report, we take you "Behind the Numbers" of our work, to show you the multi-pronged strategies we use to address the drivers of some of the greatest health crises of our time.
Annual Reports 2021 Year in Review In 2021, we supported advances in health policy and practice in areas where progress had stalled for years, and we saw people and institutions who had not previously prioritized public health recognize it is everyone’s mandate.
Annual Reports Annual Report 2020 For our 2020 annual report, we have created a timeline of the year's dramatic events together with a timeline of Vital Strategies’ actions and accomplishments. It is an opportunity to see behind the headlines to see the role of public health during the most severe pandemic the world had faced in more than a century.
Annual Reports Annual Report 2019 This report describes Vital Strategies’ work in 2019 to strengthen systems so that more people can live longer, healthier lives. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has transformed the world in 2020. While Vital Strategies has been deeply engaged in the COVID-19 response, our work on the key public health issues described in this 2019 report is continuing. The partnerships Vital Strategies built and strengthened in 2019 and before also created the foundation that is enabling us to provide direct support in 60+ countries for their pandemic response. around the world live longer, healthier lives.
Annual Reports Activity Report 2018 In 2018, we worked around the world, partnering with government and civil society to deliver solutions to the most pressing health problems of our time.
Annual Reports Annual Report 2017 Vital Strategies’ 2017 annual report covers a year of significant progress and change for our growing organization.
Annual Reports Annual Report 2016 At the beginning of 2016, our organization had the opportunity to reintroduce itself to the world as Vital Strategies with our new vision: a world where everyone is protected by a strong public health system.