Publications The Tobacco Atlas 7th Edition The Seventh Edition of the Tobacco Atlas, released by Vital Strategies and the Tobacconomics team at the University of Illinois at Chicago, serves as a warning call to all those who care about global health and economic development.
Publications Short-term association of particulate matter and cardiovascular disease mortality in Shanghai, China between 2003 and 2020 This study's objective was to thoroughly evaluate associations between PM pollutants and cardiovascular disease mortality in Shanghai, China, from 2003 to 2020. The study found that PM pollutants had a significant association with cardiovascular disease mortality during the study period.
Publications A Call to Action: Air Pollution in Early Childhood Vital Strategies has partnered with the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood Development (ARNEC) to publish this advocacy brief to highlight the specific risk that air pollution poses to young children, and a list of actions that we can all take to reduce this risk.
Websites Clean Air For Health Vital Strategies has partnered with city governments to assemble case studies showing real-world examples of how engagement with public health organizations and practitioners can accelerate solutions that promote clean air, climate and health simultaneously.
Publications Impacts of Air Pollution on Health and Cost of Illness in Jakarta, Indonesia This study aimed to quantify the health and economic impacts of air pollution—fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ground-level Ozone (O3), which exceeded the local and global ambient air quality standards—in Jakarta Province, the capital of Indonesia.
Publications Using Satellite Data for Air Quality and Health Applications This brief provides an overview on using satellite data for air quality and health applications, resources and trainings for cities to start integrating satellite data into their air quality management plans and national and access to regional datasets.
Publications Integrated Use of Low-Cost Sensors to Strengthen Air Quality Management This report details a new approach in air quality management that combines conventional solutions with innovations in monitoring, assessment, data use, and organization can accelerate clean air action, especially in cities with presently limited technical capacity.
Publications Prioritizing Children: Environmental Health Indicators for China The Children Environmental Health Indicators project represents a critical first step toward providing a safer and healthier environment for children in China.
Publications Promoting Healthy Environments for Children By Using Indicators Vital Strategies in partnership with UNICEF has developed a technical brief to support governments, academia, and civil society in developing a tracking system for children’s environmental health indicators in their own countries.
Inspirer une mobilité urbaine qui sauve des vies en améliorant la qualité de l’air que nous respirons Bien que la pollution de l’air puisse être à la fois contrôlée et évitée, elle n’en reste pas moins un sujet largement négligé, ce qui nuit à la santé et au bien-être des populations. Ce document a été conçu pour présenter des données probantes et des expériences aux décideurs politiques, afin d’inspirer des politiques de mobilité urbaine qui permettent de sauver des vies en améliorant l'air que nous respirons.
Publications Urgence d’agir et occasions manquées L'atténuation du climat s'est historiquement concentrée sur les mesures visant à réduire les émissions de carbone pour éviter leurs impacts à long terme. Cette approche étroite ne tient pas compte de l'avantage immédiat de certaines autres mesures climatiques présentant des avantages à court terme, comme les efforts visant à améliorer la qualité de l'air.